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Coastal Valleys EMS Agency News

CVEMSA Administrative Policy Updates


CVEMSA has published final versions of the policies listed below following public comment.


Administrative Policy 4008, Turnover of Patient Care has been revised to support the increased use of Basic Life Support ambulance transport where such utilization is medically appropriate for patients. The policy provides direction to EMS care providers for patient-centric decision making. This policy formalizes current medical direction provided in EMS Special Memorandum 23-005


Administrative Policy 4010 EMT Transport of Emergent Patients, is a new policy that guides decision making for EMT caregivers when considering immediate transport to an emergency department or an ALS intercept when managing critical patients in the absence of paramedics on scene. This policy formalizes current medical direction provided in EMS Special Memorandum 23-005


Administrative Policy 4014 Stat (Emergency) Ambulance Transfer revised to include “Emergency” in the title for clarity. Also expanded to be applicable to emergency obstetric cases in hospitals without OB services. Dispatch interrogation of callers revised to confirm patient location in sending facility which may be in critical care areas of the hospital in addition to the ED. Paramedic scope of practice limitations are called out within the policy to differentiate STAT (Emergency) Transfers from Critical Care Transfers.  


The policy updates are incorporated into the CVEMSA Administrative Policy Manual (4-2024 revision) available here.

  5774 Hits

Coastal Valleys EMS Agency - 2024 Treatment Guidelines

CVEMSA has completed the public comment period and is happy to officially post the revised CVEMSA Treatment Guideline Handbook. CVEMSA providers have 30 days from posting to educate and train staff appropriately. To assist with training and education, CVEMSA has developed a summary of changes document. 

April 11, 2024 will mark the official effective date for the updated policies across the region. Providers may implement changes any time prior to April 11th , 2024; please notify the CVEMSA upon implementation. Please note, implementation requires that all clinical staff have received training and education. Additionally, all medication and equipment changes must be made universally throughout the organization.

 Special Considerations:

  1. Handtevy has been notified of the changes and is actively updating our mobile app. IMPORTANT: Handtevy Admins must “accept changes” within the admin portal; Changes will not be reflected on the mobile app until these changes have been accepted.
  2. The PPP app, will have the updated protocols live on April 11th, 2024. 
  3. The previous version of the CVEMSA Treatment Guideline Handbook will remain available on the website until April 11th, 2024.

 If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Carly Sullivan, 707-303-0623, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  6712 Hits

23-24 CVEMSA Treatment Guidelines Public Comment 12/20/23 through 2/20/24

CVEMSA is excited to announce a 60-day public comment period for several treatment guidelines.

Public comment will be open through February 20th, 2024.

Please provide any comment via the attached matrices and send to personnel indicated below:

8105 Monitoring Transfusion of Blood Products – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Public comment matrix 8105 Monitoring Transfusion of Blood Products

7921 Acetaminophen Administration – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Public comment matrix 7921 Administration of Acetaminophen

7802 Major Trauma – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Public comment matrix 7802 Major Trauma

7305 Pain Management – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Public comment matrix Pain Management 

4014 STAT Ambulance Transfer – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Public comment matrix STAT Ambulance Transfer


  5906 Hits

Public comment period open for Administrative Policy 4010 EMT Transport of Emergent Patients

The Coastal Valleys EMS Agency has released Administrative Policy 4010 EMT Transport of Emergent Patients for public comment.

Public Comment Period Open 12/18/2023 - 2/18/2024

Administrative Policy 4010 EMT Transport of Emergent Patients, is a new policy that guides decision making for EMT caregivers when considering immediate transport to an emergency department or an ALS intercept when managing critical patients in the absence of paramedics on scene.

Please send all comments to James Salvante, EMS Coordinator. Here is a public comment matrix for submission of written comments.

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  4849 Hits

CVEMSA Special Memo 23-004 and 23-005

The Coastal Valleys EMS Agency has released the following EMS Special Memoranda:

23-004 Authorization to Discontinue Ketamine

Authorizing the discontinued purchase and use of Ketamine Hydrochloride. Once the provider agency decision has been made to discontinue purchase/use of Ketamine Hydrochloride, please be sure to remove the medication from stock of all apparatus, portable equipment, ambulances, and mental Health units on the same day. This is not an official requirement to remove the medication from stock immediately. If agencies can maintain par levels of Ketamine Hydrochloride there will be no requirement to remove it from stock until the policy is officially revised.

The memo is available here.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding to content of this EMS Special Memo to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


23-005 Tiered Response Phase 2

Intended to support the Phase 2 implementation of Tiered Response within Sonoma County’s Exclusive Operating Area 1 (EOA-1). The Special Memo incorporates by reference draft versions of CVEMSA Administrative Policies 4008, Turnover of Patient Care and 4010, EMT Transport of Emergent Patients. CVEMSA may make changes to both draft polices after the public comment discussion. Once versions of 4008 and 4010 are finalized and published, EMS Special Memo 23-005 will be superseded by the final policy versions.

 The memo is available here.

Please feel free to send any comments and concerns regarding this EMS Special Memo to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  3678 Hits

Administrative Policy 4008 Turnover of Patient Care Public Comment Revision

The Coastal Valleys EMS Agency has released proposed revisions to CVEMSA Administrative Policy 4008, Turnover of Patient Care for a 60-day public comment period. 


The policy revisions are intended to support the increased use of Basic Life Support ambulance transport where such utilization is medically appropriate for patients. The policy provides direction to EMS care providers for patient-centric decision making. The revised version of the policy is available for review here. The public comment period will remain open through January 22, 2024. Please submit all comments to:

All comments received will be reviewed and responses published with any final version of the policy. 

  4029 Hits

Contact Us

Coastal Valleys EMS Agency
463 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 565-6501
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